Monday, May 24, 2010


"Gawd, you people can't sit at the table correctly. Anyways, we have a job to carry out. We need to take Hydra out. Permanently. So, what I was th-" "ERICK, PAY ATTENTION." Firestar said with annoyance."Sorry, I was thinking about my super awesome IB and AP classes. I'm in this massive poke war with my 700+ friends on Facebook and shit." Erick said.
"Oooh! Oooh! I have an idea! Let's throw cars at her house!" Simsy exclaimed!

"Oh, that'll be easy, Simsy. WHERE WOULD WE GET THE CARS, HUH? Next."
"You know, we could stab them with the sharp part of a feather." Bitten suggested.
"THAT'S A TERRIBLE IDEA, BITTEN. We should light cakes on fire and chuck them at her. By the way, when can I eat the cake?" Meggo asked.
"The cake can't be eaten until after the job is done!" Firestar answered angrily.
"Whatever our plan is, it's going to be great!" Vidkid cheered.

"OMG, this won't mess up my outfit will it?" Kami asked worriedly.
"No.." Firestar said. "Let's make a pledge!" Vidkid exclaimed with excitement.
"No." Firestar said firmly."The interior design of this house is disgusting. Can I redecorate, pleeeeease?!" Erick begged.

"Not right now, we have more important things to worry about." Firestar said, rolling her eyes.



"Umm, we can shoot people now. Why don't we just do that?" Kami asked.

"Perfect. Let's do it."


  1. Of course Windsor's the stupid one. >.> xD

  2. That's a pretty good story. No expensive sets, overpriced actors, and such. Great pics, with great expressions and wordsss.....When's part 2 ?

  3. Part 2 will be soon. :P

    Thanks guise. xD
