Wednesday, October 5, 2011

I. Am. So happy.

Omg. So, I ordered a DBSK poster. If you don't know them, they're these guys right hurr:

You can click for a larger view. Jaejoong (dude in the middle), Changmin (dude under the #2), and Yunho (dude under #3) are my favorites. :3
Anyways, I ordered the poster and it was being shipped from South Korea and it was supposed to come in November BUT IT CAME TODAY. I WAS SO EXCITED. It was like a month early!

The poster looked like this:

They're Yunho and Changmin. The other 3 aren't there cause they split. D:
And on the tube it came in, there was the little customs sticker that was like written in Hangul and it's awesome. I'm keeping it. XD

Anyways, hot Korean guys on my wall= Happy. Very. VERY. Happy firestar.

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