Thursday, September 16, 2010

Nail In The Coffin.

Pretty awesome but old song.

It has curse words and shit. So, if you have virgin ears don't listen to it. :o


  1. Classic Em...gotta love 'em, lol. Wonder if anyone has made a good Eminem sim...? Probably, by now I guess.

    Thanks for posting that, lol. Take care firestar -- I really hope you have a peaceful school year this year, too. Those asswipes that harassed you last year should be kissing your fiery ass.

    Take care :)
    *hugs & noogies*

  2. Ikr! I love the new Em but I still miss Slim Shady. :P

    And thank you. :D I haven't seen any of them this year, thank God. lol

    *hugs* :D
